The NOAA Energy site brings together information about the energy related programs and resources in NOAA. [NOAA Energy Fact Sheet]
NOAA recognizes that the nation’s need for secure and sustainable energy requires the best science to understand and predict the ecological, economic, and societal consequences of particular energy choices, as well as the effectiveness of strategies for minimizing environmental impacts and maximizing energy efficiency. NOAA supports these requirements through its unique mandates and expertise for ocean and coastal stewardship, coupled with longstanding research and observational assets, forecasting capabilities, and partnerships across government, academia, and the private sector.
NOAA provides foundational information and services to support renewable and conventional energy siting and operations. NOAA provides information ranging from forecasting winds and the onset of storms to the timing and location of endangered whale migrations. Through research pilots and partnerships, NOAA is also working closely with federal partners and industry.
NOAA strives for balance between stewardship and development, to protect our trust resources while supporting the nation’s economic and energy goals.
Staff from each of NOAA's line offices are involved in energy in different ways relevant to the mandates of each organization. In addition, staff work together across the agency to coordinate and collaborate on relevant activities.
Several examples of NOAA's work are highlighted in the News and Resources sections of this site.
NOAA has several energy related agreements with other Federal agencies and organizations: